First of all, I can’t believe it’s been 2 months since I last posted…. I will try to post more often. After all, I have been drawing daily, I just haven’t been posting regularly.
I have never considered myself an artist of mythical creatures. I can’t say that I particularly care for dragons and wouldn’t choose a dragon as a primary subject myself. However, I have been working through the book “Artistic Fitness” by Ed Tadem and can see some value in drawing something mythical. When drawing a mythical creature, my “left brain” does not have a pre-conceived notion of what that mythical creature should look like. Therefore, my “right brain” must draw exactly what I see. After I draw a little bit, if I notice a line that’s not quite right, I don’t necessarily feel compelled to change it, I just use the drawing as practice and know that I have become one step closer to drawing what I see, not what my mind *thinks* I see. So, enough philosophy…. here’s the dragon:
I love that your dragon has ZZ qualities!
Thanks! What are his ZZ qualities? Big feet? LOL!